Maison Gay, Canville

drawing materials painting materials artists’ colorman, artists’ color/paint manufacturer artists’/painting canvas maker/manufacturer artists’ colorman, artists’ paints supplier/merchant artists’ canvas supplier
  • À l'Arc en Ciel

    Enseigne de Canville, veuve Canville.

  • Annuaire Hachette 1897-1914

    Paris-Hachette. Annuaire complet, commercial, administratif & mondain. Paris tout entier sous la main, Paris, Hachette, 1897-1914.

  • Burke


    Burke, Doreen Bolger et Luhrs, Kathleen (éd.), American Paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, vol. 3, A Catalogue of Works by Artists Born between 1846 and 1864, New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1980.