Maison Rey, Delarue, Brullon, Debourge, Blanchet, Delaunoy, Breton, Ponsin

drawing materials painting materials colorman, paint/color manufacturer artists’ colorman, artists’ color/paint manufacturer artists’/painting canvas maker/manufacturer maker of waxed cloth and taffeta colorman, paint/color supplier/merchant artists’ colorman, artists’ paints supplier/merchant artists’ canvas supplier supplier of waxed cloth and taffeta
  • À la Palette d'Or
  • Labreuche 2011b

    Labreuche, Pascal, Paris, capitale de la toile à peindre, XVIIIe-XIXe siècle, préface de Jean-Pierre Babelon, Paris, CTHS/INHA, 2011, réimpression en 2015, (coll. "L’art et l’essai", no 9).